There are many types of wallpaper on the market now, such as pvs wallpaper, pe wallpaper, EVA wallpaper, etc. And more than 85% of wallpaper on the market is non-environmentally friendly PVC paper composite wallpaper, PVC itself contains halogen elements, it is hard, in order to produce soft and resilient film, plasticizers such as DOP and DEP must be added. These are not environmentally friendly materials forbidden in Europe and the United States. In addition, some heavy metals are added to PVC dyeing, which makes PVC wallpaper rejected by developed countries such as Europe, America, Japan and Korea. In recent years, due to the global attention to environmental protection, Japan, Korea and some emerging developing countries have also explicitly proposed restrictions on the use of PVC wallpaper.

In order to meet the requirements of environmental protection era, we developed environmental PE wallpaper, which is a kind of biodegradable and flame retardant material with no harmful heavy metals such as lead, mercury, chromium and cadmium. It meets the ROHS calibration requirements of the European Union and is exactly a kind of flame retardant and biodegradable environmental material. Its surface is smooth and delicate, anti-oil pollution and aging is several times the capacity of PVC, soft crack growth, low shrinkage, low density, easy to press grain processing and wall pasting construction, has incomparable performance advantages of current PVC. The production process is simple and low-cost. The birth of low-carbon production process will bring a fatal blow to the market of PVC wallpaper in China. The new PE wallpaper with excellent performance, low-carbon, environmental protection and flame retardant will be used to eliminate PVC wallpaper.

Pe wallpaper have the following characteristics:
1. Heat insulation: heat conductivity increased by more than 6 times, can achieve indoor constant temperature, warm in winter and cool in summer.
2. Sound absorption and sound insulation: can greatly reduce the propagation of sound waves in the air, equivalent to more than twice the thickness of cement.
3. Fire-proof and flame-retardant: Without burning, even if there is a fire, it will not emit any smoke harmful to human body.
4. Easy to construct: no joints, strong integrity, can be used in the building while construction, no need to air.
5. Easy to maintain: non-sticky oil, no dust, acid and alkali resistance, scrubbing resistance, non-polluting, non-fading, non-darkening.